How To Knit Baby Bootie Shoes

These cute baby bootie shoes will be the first designer shoes that your baby will own, and they are super easy to knit up.

I knitted one bootie up in just over an hour the other night. Unfortunately my tennis elbow got the better of me, so I haven’t managed to finish them yet but will post a pic at the bottom of this page as soon as I do.

baby bootie shoes

How To Knit A Cute Pair Of Baby Bootie Shoes

These baby bootie shoes will vary in size slightly depending on the yarn that you choose, but this one size should fit a baby of 3 to 6 months old.

This pattern is knitted in stocking stitch so is great for beginners.

In this pattern you will need to knit into the front and back of the same stitch, so here is a video to show you just how to do that.

You will also see the abbreviation SKPO (slip, knit pass over). Here is a video demonstrating how to do just that.

SKPO is simply another way to decrease and these stitches are what give your baby booties that shoe shape.

Let’s get started…..

You Will Need:

1 x 50 g ball of yarn in a color of your choice

1 x 4 mm knitting needles

2 x cute buttons

You can see the list of abbreviations for this pattern by clicking here.

Tension: (More or Less)

22 sts and 28 rows to 10 cm measured over st st.

Left Shoe:

Using 4 mm needles cast on 31 sts.


1st Row (ws): P.

2nd Row: K1, kfb, k12, kfb, k1, kfb, k12, kfb, k1 (35 sts).

3rd Row: P.

4th Row: K1, kfb, k14, kfb, k1, kfb, k14, kfb, k1 (39sts).

5th Row: P.

6th Row: K1, kfb, kfb, kfb, k14, kfb, kfb, k1, kfb, kfb, K14, kfb, kfb, k1 (47 sts).

7th Row (ws): K. This marks the fold line of the sole.

Upper Shoe

8th Row: K.

9th Row: P.

Rep 8th and 9th rows 3 times more.

16th Row: K15, (SKPO) 4 times, k1, [k2 tog] 4 times, k15 (39 sts).

17th Row: P.

18th Row: c/off 8 sts, k4, c/off the rem 26 sts on left-hand needle (you should have 5 sts left on the needle).


Cut yarn and rejoin it to the 5sts rem on the needle.

19th Row(ws): Work a further 19 rows, or to the required length in g st.

39th Row: This one is the buttonhole row. K2, yfwd, k2 tog, k1.

40th – 42nd Rows: K5.

Cast bootie shoes

Right Shoe:

Work exactly as given for the left shoe until the 17th row has been completed.

18th Row: c/off 26 sts, k4, c/off the rem 8 sts on left-hand needle (you should have 5 sts left on the needle).


Cut yarn and rejoin it to the 5 sts rem on the needle.

19th Row: K5. 

Now complete the shoe strap exactly as given for the left shoe.

To Make Up:

Sew in the loose ends of yarn at the back of the work.

Fold the shoes in half with the right sides facing.

Working immediately above the c/on edge, join the seam along the center of the sole.

In the same process, join the seam at the center back of the shoe.

Turn through to the right side and sew on a button on the side of the shoe to correspond with the buttonhole.

Why not try knitting these cute baby booties too.



8 thoughts on “How To Knit Baby Bootie Shoes”

  1. I have always wanted to learn how to knit shoes or baby blankets to start and then work on bigger projects. Knitting will keep your hands busy and mind clear to help relieve stress or recover from smoking addiction. I have a daughter who is learning to make her kids clothes, and am going to share your lessons with her on social media. 

    • Thanks for stopping by Jannette and this is an excellent pattern to start off with if you already know how to do stocking stitch. It is also quick so you won’t get bored.

  2. As an avid crafter I am always on the lookout for new ideas and patterns, so love these little baby shoes. The pattern seems very easy to follow, even for a beginner. 

    I am teaching my granddaughter how to knit at the moment, and she has been wanting to knit an actual item, not just trying sample pieces, so these little baby shoes will be a perfect project to do with her. And these little shoes are super cute as well. Thank you for sharing this great resource.

  3. Wow, this is great. During my early days in junior college, we were taught how to make bags, hats, little tops, and socks with yarn (we called it wool roll). I think it was a part of home economics then. This article brought back a lot of memories, knitting was my preteen hobby up till I entered science class. I have forgotten how to knit but I am going to try out something with the guidance of this article. I will get the materials ready and knit when I start my leave.

    Thanks for sharing

  4. Hi Michelle, Thanks for writing down the instructions for knitting the baby booty shoes. At times it is so difficult to write down the recipe of things you know by heart. I myself find difficulty in writing down my favorite recipe as all is there in mind but translating it down is so difficult.

    It is such a comprehensible step-by-step guide with videos embedded that a complete novice like me is tempted to engage in knitting this down.

    Do you recommend to try any particular variety of yarn for the baby? 

    I will share this article with my wife and I am sure she will love it and would knit one cute baby boots shoes.

    Best Regards,


    • Thanks for stopping by Rohit. I suppose soft wool is best for a baby, but when I knit these baby bootie shoes I tend to use my leftovers to get rid of them.


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