If you are new to knitting and you want to know how to knit a sweater, you will be glad to know that it is not that difficult.
Below I have included a pattern and instructions on how to knit a sweater for a casual stocking stitch sweater with a high and snuggly collar.
This sweater is a classic design knitted with mohair and alpaca for that extra warmth that you need in the winter months. The picture below is very similar to the finished version, but the model has a knitted belt that she has sewn on and her sweater has been made slightly longer to allow for this.
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How To Knit A Sweater
This is a pattern for a lady’s sweater, but if you want to find out how to knit a generic sweater, there is a video included at the bottom of this article.
You Will Need:
Wool type – Cocoon – 70% acrylic, 25% mohair and 5% alpaca 50g/70m
For a small sweater, you will need 11 balls.
For a medium sweater, you will need 12 balls.
For a large sweater, you will need 13 balls.
For an XL sweater, you will need 15 balls.
For an XXL sweater, you will need 16 balls.
For an XXXL sweater, you will need 17 balls.
This sweater is knitted in stocking stitch with 6.5 mm needles and the rib is knitted with 5.5 mm needles.
To Make:
*Using the 5.5mm needles, cast on 64(70-76-82-90-96) sts.
Work in 2/2 rib for 6cm. (That means knit 2 purl 2)
Change to the 6.5 mm needles.
Beg with a k row, cont in st st until work measures 42(43-43-44-44-44)cm from the cast on edge ending with a p row.
Cast off 3 sts at beg of next 2 rows, 2 sts at beg of foll 2(2-4-4-6-8) rows, then 1 st at beg of next 6(8-6-8-10-8) rows.
48(52-56-60-62-66) sts rem.*
Cont without shaping until the armholes measure 17(18-20-21-22-23)cm, ending with a p row.
Shoulders and neck:
Next Row:
Cast off 4(5-5-5-6-6)sts, k13(13-14-15-15-17), including st used to cast off, and place these sts on a stitch holder.
Cast off the next 14(16-18-20-20-20) sts for neck, k to end of row.
Work will now be completed in 2 sections.
Next Row:
Cast off 4(5-5-5-6-6)sts, p to end.
Next Row:
Cast off 3 sts (neck edge), k to end.
Next Row:
Cast off 5(5-5-6-6-7) sts, p to end.
Next Row:
Work to end.
Cast off rem 5(5-6-6-6-7)sts.
With ws facing, pick up sts from stitch holder and complete the other side, reversing the shaping of the shoulders and neck.
Work as for back from * to *.
Cont without shaping until armholes measure 12(13-15-16-17-18)cm, ending with a p row.
Neck and Shoulders:
Next row:
k20(21-22-23-24-26) and place these sts on a stitch holder.
Cast off next 8(10-12-14-14-14)sts for the neck, then k to end of row.
Work will now be completed in 2 sections.
Next Row:
Work to end.
Next Row:
Cast off 2 sts (neck edge), k to end.
Next Row:
Work to end.
Rep last 2 rows once more.
Next Row:
Cast off 1 st, k to end.
Next Row:
Work to end.
Next Row:
Cast off 1 st, k to end.
Next Row:
Cast off 4(5-5-5-6-6)sts, p to end.
Next Row:
Work to end.
Next Row:
Cast off 5(5-5-6-6-7)sts, p to end.
Next Row:
Work to end.
Cast off rem 5(5-6-6-6-7)sts.
With ws facing, pick up sts from stitch holder and complete the other side, reversing the shaping.
Using 5.5mm needles, cast on 34(36-38-38-40-42)sts and work in 2/2 rib for 6cm.
Change to 6.5mm needles.
Beg with a k row, cont straight in st st for 12(10-10-8-8-6) rows.
Inc row: k2, inc 1, k until 3 sts rem, inc 1 k2.
Cont in st st, repeating this inc row every 12(10-10-8-8-6)rows 4(5-2-5-2-10)times, then every 0(0-8-6-6-0)rows 0(0-4-3-7-0)times. 44(48-52-56-60-64) sts rem.
Cont straight until sleeve measures 48(48-48-49-49-50)cm from the cast-on edge, ending with a p row.
Sleeve top:
Cast off 3 sts at beg of next 2 rows, 2 sts at beg of foll row 2(2-4-6-6-8)times, 1st at beg of foll 14(14-14-10-10-6)rows, 2 sts at beg of foll 2(4-4-6-8-10)rows, then 3 sts at beg of foll 2 rows. Cast off rem 10 sts.
Backstitch the right shoulder seam.
With rs of work facing and using 5.5mm needles, beg at the left front shoulder, pick up and k 62(66-66-70-74-74)sts around the front and back neck.
Work in 2/2 rib until the collar measures 10cm. Cast off in rib.
Backstitch the left shoulder and collar seam.
Sew in the sleeves, then join the side and sleeve seams.
Congratulations, you now have a warm cozy sweater for the winter.
Here is a basic way to knit any generic sweater that you can try. You will be surprised how easy it is when it comes to how to knit a sweater.
If you would like to knit something different, try a storage basket.
Knitting Accessories You Will Love
Yarn Bowl by Yarn Valet – Portable, Unbreakable with Soft Rubberized Non-Slip Base

Here is a useful addition to anybody’s knitting kit. It holds your ball of wool while you are knitting and feeds the wool out at just the right tension as you knit, avoiding knots and tangles.
- A stylish, lightweight, and unbreakable yarn bowl with a rubber bottom that keeps the bowl from slipping on smooth surfaces.
- Keeps yarn clean and delivers perfect tension when the yarn is pulled through the yarn director or skein hole for larger fibers and skeins.
- Lightweight and easy to take on the go. Fits in your yarn bag and great to bring on road trips or to knit at night.
- Measures approximately: 6” length, 3” height, 6” width.
- Made in America.
Outus 104 Pieces Locking Stitch Markers Knitting Stitch Counter Multi-Colored Crochet Stitch Needle Clip with Compartment Box
Locking stitch markers set: 104 pieces plastic stitch markers in 8 colors, each color for 13 pieces, stitch counter si
ze is approx. 22 x 10 mm/ 0.86 x 0.4 inch (L x W)
- Crochet stitch needle colors: stitch needle clip comes in eight bright colors of red, purple, orange, yellow, light blue, green, rose red, dark blue, choose as you like.
- Mark stitches safely: good for marking the beginning and ending of pattern stitches, and where to increase or decrease the number of stitches, not slip out or snag your knitting.
- Easy to storage: these knit stitch markers come with a handy 8 compartment storage box which has a resealable fitted lid, can separate 8 colors stitch counters easily.
- Wide application: you can use these locking ring stitch markers in knitting, weaving, crocheting, DIY arts, and craft projects or scrapbooking as well.
Complete Knitting and Crochet Accessories, Knitting Tool Kit Knitting Supplies Kit with Knitting Stitch Markers Plastic Sewing Needles Seam Ripper Cable Needles for Knitting Sewing Kit
- This knitting and crochet toolset includes knitting stitch markers, stitch markers rings, plastic locking stitch markers, knitting cable needles, cable stitch holders, plastic quilting ruler, knitting scissors, seam ripper, etc.
- The compact design makes it convenient to carry, as it is small and lightweight does not occupy much space or add extra weight to your bag. Knitting and crochet accessories with the carrying bag, convenient to store the small tools.