About Knitting For Profit

Hello, Fellow Knitters and Crafters…….

This website is not only about knitting, but also other crafty arts.

Everyone has an artistic side and within this site, I hope you find a hobby that tickles your fancy.

My Name is Michel Maling and I live in Port Elizabeth in Sunny South Africa and this website is about knitting for profit, knitting in general, scrapbooking and other great hobbies and crafts.

About Knitting For Profit

I  decided to create a website about knitting for profit for those of you knitting enthusiasts who would like to turn their hobby into a money spinner. Also if you are like me and just like to knit for fun, I hope you find some useful information that will help every aspect of your knitting journey as the site grows. Over time I have incorporated some of my other favourite craft hobbies and shared ideas that I have used over time.

I have been knitting on and off since I was six, and there is nothing more relaxing in winter than to sit in front of the TV at the end of a long hard day and knit a cuddly jersey or toy, especially in winter. I used to knit and sell baby wear when I was younger and it is a time of my life that I remember fondly. I couldn’t wait to start knitting and creating each day and would get very frustrated when other things got in the way.

It is amazing how much one can achieve while watching TV. I can churn out at least two garments a winter in this way. A couple of rows a day is all it takes to make some marvellous creations.

about knitting for profit

On this website about knitting you will find:

Or else like me, you would like to make your own website like this one and learn how to profit from it, you can read all about how to do it with knitting or any other hobby you have by clicking right here.

On this website, I aim to cover all sorts of topics about knitting and other crafts like:

  • How to build a full-time knitting business or even earn some extra cash part-time;
  • What other successful knitters are doing to maximize their profits;
  • How to make money in the baby wear market;
  • How to make your knitted products stand out from the crowd and thus make you even more profits;
  • Types of yarns – which to use and which to avoid;
  • Calligraphy;
  • How to sell your products online;
  • Easy knitting patterns;
  • Easy knitting stitches;
  • Reviews on knitting machines to make garments at super speed;
  • Loom knitting;
  • Mosiac
  • All aspects relating to my other passion for scrapbooking;
  • Sewing And Embroidery.

The best part about having a knitting business is that you could start out on a shoestring budget and at your own pace.

I am in the process of building out this website in-between running a busy dance studio, but I will do my best to keep adding valuable content to help you on your knitting journey.

So Why Should We Be Knitting More?

I was recently knitting while waiting to fetch my daughter from dance class. One of the other Mommies sat down beside me and said, “I used to love knitting, but I am afraid people will think I am old if I knit in public?”  Whaaaat!

I felt quite sad that a twenty-something-year-old woman didn’t feel she could be seen with needles and wool until she had reached the ripe old age of……I don’t know!

Funnily this is a stereotype that just doesn’t seem to want to die. Most people think that knitting is just a trivial time-filler for old ladies. Well, this is just plain insulting to those of us who do love to knit whether it be male, female or child and some rather awesome things can be achieved using some needles and a bit of wool.

Now because we can buy cheaper clothes, what is the point of knitting? It is not even worth knitting socks.

Well, that is not really the point for me, because whether you are knitting socks, toys or a high fashion garment, the process is so satisfying and self-fulfilling that only another knitting lover will understand.

Believe it or not, there are also a lot of male knitters out there, but a lot of them are too embarrassed to sit and knit in public, getting negative reactions from others. Somehow this hobby on a male is viewed as abnormal which is really strange.

Knitting is not just a time filler. It has calming effects and is a great stress release hobby. The repetitious nature of knitting stitches is enough to calm my busy brain before bed, and I always try to end my day by doing something calming and creative. Some people meditate, I knit.

Most of us that do knit know enough about knitting to know that the history of the craft is complex and rich. Only within the past century has knitting been seen as something of a feminine thing and a trivial way to pass the time. Back in the middle ages, men trained for years to attain the status of Master Knitter and I don’t think that anyone would have made fun of their work back then.

So let’s restore the knitting hobby back to its former glory and see if we can make people crazy for it like they used to be.

Other Crafts And Hobbies

What with so many daily problems and stress, isn’t it wonderful to know that there is something we can do each day to forget about life for a while?  By introducing some creative relaxation time into each and every day sounds weird, but it works wonders.

This does not include watching TV, but something way more productive.  Not only will you relax your mind, but you will also be stimulating the creative side of your brain without thinking about it.

Nowadays, more and more people are experiencing the need to get back to basics and improve their quality of life.  A creative moment here and there might be just what you need to recharge your batteries, connect with your inner self and restore your soul.calligraphy writing

You may say, but I am too busy for this, but believe me, scheduling some time into each day or even week will be well worth your while.

There are many wonderful things you can make and easy craft ideas to inspire you, even if you don’t have an artistic bone in your body.

Different Types of Craft To Suit Everyone

There are many, and more being invented every day.

What tickles your fancy?

It could be any of the following:

Mosaic, Painting, Pottery, Decoupage, Needle Work or Embroidery, Knitting, Basket Weaving, Beading, Sugar Craft, Gilding, Crochet, Candle Making, Calligraphy, Flower Arranging, Quilling, Pewter, or even painting pet rocks.  The list is endless, and you are guaranteed to find something that you will enjoy doing.

What Are The Benefits Of Crafting?

The benefits of crafting are endless, including enjoyment, social interaction – if you attend classes, stress relief, instant gratification and self-expression.  You will develop your sense of self-worth, and give some value and meaning to your day.  Your mind is forced to focus on something unique and nurturing and you can bring back your childlike wonder at colours, shapes and textures.

Best of all you can escape to a world away from everyday responsibilities.  You will be amazed at your own ability to create new things from scratch.

Here is a list of resources you can visit to ensure you don’t get bored:

  1. www.flossieteacakes.blogspot.com
  2. www.craftprojectcentral.com
  3. www.cool2craft.com
  4. www.craftbits.com
  5. www.freecraftstuff.co.uk
  6. www.cardmakingparadise.com
  7. www.kimmccrary.blogspot.com
  8. www.thecartbeforethehorse.blogspot.com
  9. www.tipjunkie.com
  10. www.dreamalittlebigger.com
  11. www.bhg.com
  12. www.thriftyfun.com
  13. www.mydreamcourse.co.za

Some days you will find it impossible to fit in any crafting and if this happens to you for whatever reason, try these things to keep your mind creative:

  • Write with a different colour pen
  • Draw a Flower
  • Tie a colourful ribbon around your wrist and think creative thoughts every time you look at it
  • Doodle!
  • Play your music really loudly
  • Invite a friend to bake cookies with you
  • Finger Paint
  • Troll the internet for pictures to inspire you – Pinterest is wonderful!
  • Replace plain buttons on your favourite top with funky or vintage buttons to create a new look
  • Cover an old frame with felt to give it a new look
  • Do ink blotting like when you were a child
  • Colour in a picture
  • Duct tape the ends of an old pool noodle together and make a wreath
  • Go outside and observe the colour combinations used in nature
  • Cut some strips of paper and paper weave them

This is your life so do what you love, and do it often.  And remember this:

‘Crafting Forever, Housework Whenever’

Keep On Knitting and Crafting

3 thoughts on “About Knitting For Profit”

  1. Good Day,

    I have been reading your post, as I too love my hand knitting. Wow, your post is so informative. I also live in South Africa, Weltevreden Park, Roodepoort. I am a pensioner and so would love to earn a bit extra, to supplement my pension. I would love your feedback, as to the best way to sell, I would love to start off with baby items. The trouble with selling items on the internet is that people seem to use paypal, my bank Nedbank does not have that. I would love your feedback, as to what you would suggest?

    • Hi Sheila and great to meet a fellow South African who also loves to knit. I wish I had more time to sell my goods, but mainly do it for myself.

      If you open a First National Bank account, you can then draw your earnings out of PayPal, and this is what I do. You can open a Pay Pal account to receive payments too and use the money to buy other things online straight from your Pay Pal account as well without even having a bank account, but if you are earning more than a certain amount, you will have to declare it.

      If you would like to start your own website like this one, you can click here and grab some free training at the same time. It will take you a few minutes to have your website up and running and ready for you to add content. This will be the best way of selling your goods long term.

      All the best with your knitting.

    • Hi Sheila I love knitting. I can only knit so much. I have 5 married children and 10 grandkids. I would gladly send you patterns, needles and yarn to knit for my kids and grandkids. I will pay directly into your nedbank account. I can’t give one grandkid and not the other. Help.


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