Knit A Baby Blanket Using Gatalin Rock Stitch

Here is a pattern to knit a baby blanket. This is also a useful blanket to have around if you want to cover your knees while watching TV.

The main stitch used is Gatalin Rock Stitch, which is pretty easy to do but does require some concentration. Using 5mm knitting needles means that it is going to be quite a quick knit if you commit to it nightly.

This is a small baby blanket for covering your baby in a carrycot or car seat. Add extra stitches in multiples of four to keep the pattern correct if you would like to make a bigger baby blanket or even a blanket for yourself.

Baby Blanket In Gatalin Rock Stitch

knit a baby blanket

Finished size: 54 x 44 cm.

Tension – 20sts and 32 rows = 10 cm over gatalin rock stitch

You can see all the abbreviations you will ever need here.

You Will Need:

8 x 25 g balls of Creacrafts Paragone in a color of your choice

5mm knitting needles

Yarn Needle


Using 5mm needles cast on 87 sts.

K7 rows to form the border.

Now work the baby blanket in gatalin rock stitch with g st borders as follows:

Row 1: (rs): k to end.

Row 2: k5, p1, *k3, p1, rep from * to last 5 sts, k5.

Rows 3 and 4: Rep rows 1 and 2.

Row 5: k to end.

Row 6: k7, p1, *k3, p1, rep from * to last 7 sts, k7.

Rows 7 and 8: Rep rows 5 and 6.

These 8 rows form the pattern.

Cont in pattern until work measures 52cm from beg, ending with either row 4 or 8.

K7 rows for the border and cast off.

To finish simply weave in the ends.

So go ahead, knit a baby blanket, it’s fun and easy!

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