What Are The Most Popular Crafts To Do At Home?

Having a hobby is important, and for a lot of people, this is usually in the form of a craft. If you are looking for ideas for a new hobby, I decided to explore the question ‘what are the most popular crafts’ and let’s see if you can find something on this list that you can enjoy.

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Why Do I Need A Hobby Or Craft

Having a hobby or craft that you enjoy doing is important, as it lets you focus on something other than work, and not only that but it makes your free time more productive and enjoyable. Making something yourself is very satisfying and it is also great for relieving stress. It also keeps bordom away and helps you keep your brain active.

We live in such a fast-paced and busy world at the moment that it is so easy to let go of your hobbies and things that you enjoy. Next thing you know your life becomes all work and no play. Having a hobby you enjoy gives you something to look forward to, and because it expands your knowledge, you become a more interesting person to talk to.

Learning a new craft can also be a lot of fun, and as you get older this is important, especially if you are looking to keep your brain healthy. Crafting is becoming a more popular pastime than ever before. I think that the pandemic has changed how we look at things and altered how we spend our time at home.

Let us look at what are the most popular crafts, and you can decide which of these you would enjoy trying out the most.

What Are The Most Popular Crafts?

Candle Making

what are the most popular craftsThe art of candle making has been around for a long time, but is becoming popular again. There is so much you can do with candle making from making different shapes to adding various oils for health benefits or simply for the aroma that the candle gives off when it burns.

When I was at a camp as a child, I remember we made candles and it was a case of melting wax and and then pouring it into the desired mould with a wick in the middle so that the candle would burn.

Nowadays it is so much simpler as you can get kits that you can purchase with everything that you need to make beautiful candles that you can use in your home or give away as presents.

This is just one of the many kits that are avilable online. Purchasing a kit always makes a lot of sense, especially if you are just starting off in a hobby, as everything you need will be there, inclusing instructions for you to get started in this wonder craft.

Paint By Number

Now paint by number is something I love to do in my recreational time. I am the worst artist in the world, but if you can colour in, you can do paint by number, and belive me your art will look like a masterpiece when you are finished.

You normally purchase a paint by number in kit form. This includes the canvas with the drawing on it and the numbers on the drawing correlate to the paint that you get in the kit. Simply paint the color paint that the number on the canves indicates and before long you will have a wonderful piece of artwork that you can frame and proudly display in your home.

The picture on the right is just one of the beautiful examples of paint by number kits that you can purcahse online.


This is the art of folding paper in various ways to make different ornaments. Read this to find out more about Origami

Diamond Art

This is something that I have recently tried and really enjoyed. It has gained a lot of popularity over the past two years with adults and children alike. You can read more about diamond art here.

Acrylic Paint Pours

This is something that has been calling at me for a while, and I fully intend to give it a try in 2022.

This technique involves mixing acrylic paint and with a pouring medium and then pouring it onto a flat surface, like a canvas or even a cell phone case. You can even decorate furniture using this fun craft.

Here is a great video that shows you how to enjoy this craft.


Now embroidery seems to be making a come back. This is something I also loved doing growing up, especially cross stitch kits. Searches for embroidery kits online have increase about 140 percent over the last frew months and even if you are a beginner, you can start off with an easy kit.

All you need here is your material and your embroidery yarns, so this is a relatively inexpensive craft to try out, and you can make some wonderful gifts that will probably end up becoming family heirlooms.

Upgrading Furniture

Now that the vintage look has come back into fashion, more and more people are experimenting with decorating their furniture themselves, rather than resorting to buying new furniture. Upcycling household items like vases, lamps, cabinets and garden furniture is the new rage, and you can make something old look new again in no time at all.

I personally love the chalk look that you can give to your old wooden furniture.


Pottery makes use of your hands which can be theraputic and relaxing. This is great if you are looking for something to enjoy and also something you can do that will leave you with something you can use afterwards.

Pottery equipment is expensive, so I would recommend going to a class and using all the machinery they have to offer before laying out money on your own supplies. You can start off small with molding and baking in your own oven or you could try the air dry clays that you don’t have to bake.

You can make lovely gifts with pottery, like jewelry holders, keychain pieces, small ornaments and animals. The list is endless. You could also make all your own plates and clay pots for your plants once you get more experienced.


Beadworking is great for your fine motor skills, but you will need to have good eyesight (or glasses). If getting a knot out of a chain frustrates you, working with beads might as well. However, this craft is also very fulfilling once you get into the swing of it.

This hobby is perfect for beginners. All you need to get started is some thread, some beads, and a couple of needles.  You can make necklaces,keychains, pendants, and more. Many people take this hobby to the next level and sell their work.


what are the most popular craftsScrapbooking isn’t that popular anymore as it was about 15 years ago when I first started, however it is still something that I enjoy doing, so I had to mention it in this article. If you want to find out more about how to get started in scrapbooking, you can read this.


Knitting is one of those crafts that never completely dies out, but it is not as popular anymore as it was in the seventies and eighties. However I mention it here as it is something that I still love to do at the end of a day to relax me.

So hopefully you are not wondering anymore what are the most popular crafts, as you can see that I have given you a lot of variety.

Happy crafting!

8 thoughts on “What Are The Most Popular Crafts To Do At Home?”

  1. My mum used to knit when I was younger and this made the article more fun to read and got me emotional and made me remember those days.

    I have always loved knitting and I have shared this article with my family. The reason I love crafts is that they help me tap into my creative mind.

    • My mum also got me hooked on knitting years ago, and it is such a useful hobby to have as you can create literally anything you like.

  2. I am more of a painter and drawer, and I love escaping into the pictures I create. Sometimes I totally lose track of time and after 5 or 6 hours I look up and it is getting dark. I think having a hobby is very important. It gets us away from the dreaded TV. My mum was a cooking teacher and she taught me to cook, and the joy I get from cooking makes it a hobby for me rather than a chore. Doing something constructive is far better than sitting and watching something on TV.


  3. I feel like we all need a hobby to keep ourselves busy. I wanted to learn how to play the piano so I think I will take that more seriously. If that does not work out then I will just start painting. I will make up my mind and I will be sure to let you know what I have decided. 

  4. I agree with you in that crafts and hobbies are very important for overall well-being. Not only are they great exercise for the brain but they provide an escape from our digital world. Over the years, I’ve enjoyed doing pottery, painting and scrapbooking but I think I’d like to try candle making. You’ve provided some great ideas that look like a lot of fun, some of which I hadn’t considered. Thanks for your informative article!

    • All the best trying out candle-making. I see many people love to have scented candles in their house, so you could also turn your hobby into some profits.


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