Why Mom Needs A Hobby

Here are some good reasons why Mom needs a hobby.

Moms these days are so very busy, but also more stressed than ever before and in need of lifestyle choices that help them be happier and take their minds off of their problems. Pursuing a hobby may be just the ticket.

Here are a few reasons why a hobby is a great idea, even for a busy Mom.

What Are The Best Hobbies For Moms To Try?

1. Gardening
2. Reading
3. Cooking
4. Crafting
5. Exercising
6. Yoga
7. Painting
8. Photography
9. Knitting
10. Playing an instrument

There are of course many more, but here is a list to get you started on. Sometimes picking something unusual will help you to discover other sides to yourself that you never knew existed.

mom needs a hobby

Why Mom Needs A Hobby

To Relieve Stress And Tension

Spending time with a hobby replaces negative thoughts and replaces them with positive thoughts and feelings. Having a hobby or creative outlet can lift your spirits and help with feelings of depression.

Unlike passive activities like watching TV or playing a video game, a hobby provides intellectual stimulation while simultaneously relaxing you. Repetitive actions like those used in knitting are especially calming. If you want something with faster results, you can try scrapbooking or mosiac.

If you go to a class, you also get to meet new people and have fun chatting with them as you get creating. This also allows you to explore new interests. You could discover that. you are a brilliant artist too.

Hobbies Help You To Be A Better Parent

We are so good at signing our children up for lessons and classes and encouraging them to have hobbies, even paying for these classes and driving them to and fro! But we forget that we also need to learn new things and grow as people. 

Hobbies are a great way to connect you with other people who share your interests, especially if you decide to commit to classes each week.

A hobby can help you maintain your separate identity as a real person and not just as Mom. This models healthy habits and boundaries for our kids.

mom needs a hobbyHobbies Are A Refreshing Change From Boring Daily Routines

If you’re a stay at home Mom, you may be frustrated because at the end of the day you can hardly point to anything you’ve “done”. 

This is because of the repetitive nature of housework and childcare, which just leaves you feeling unappreciated and sometimes overwhelmed.

In generations past, women pursued hobbies like quilting, sewing, knitting, crochet and embroidery not only because they were enjoyable but because they provided tangible value to the family, either providing clothing for their backs or much needed income.

Some hobbies like tennnis, gardening or belly dancing can even provide great exercise with all of its accompanying benefits. The best exercise activity is one that combines mind and body and is enjoyable to pursue.

Why not carve out some time to pursue your hobby Mom? Don’t let a shortage of time stop you. Rearrange your schedule and put YOU back in it, and start carving out time for your favorite pastime.

9 thoughts on “Why Mom Needs A Hobby”

  1. I couldn’t agree more that having a hobby outside of the things you do for money and making a living is super important to a strong sense of overall well-being. I’ve always enjoyed music, so I started getting more involved in musical projects over the years, and it’s been so exciting to see the ways that following this passion has led to finding exciting new people and opportunities for my life!

  2. The question I am asking is why does grandma need a hobby.  I think the very reasons you have outlined as reasons for a mom to have a hobby apply to a grandmother who looks after a grandchild and runs a household.  I think the two reasons why this is important for my wife, who is the grandma, are to relieve stress from dealing with a youngster and to change up a fairly standard household routine.  I think given the right hobby some socialization outside the family might be fun.  Thanks for the suggestions.

  3. I really can not agree more that a great sense of overall well-being depends heavily on having a pastime outside of what you do for a career. I’ve always loved watching and playing cricket. I believe people looking for a new activity will find this essay to be of great use. Keep posting in this manner. I definitely share this

  4. Hobbies, as a way to relieve tension and provide material benefit to your family, are a good way to encourage people to try a hobby.  As was said in the site, something like belly dancing is exercise, and a stress reliever.  Excerise is always beneficial to the body and mind.  Knitting hobbies, quilting hobbies, break up the monotony of day-to-day chores when it comes to running families. So the site is great in pointing out something of that is already out there for everyone to know.   I have several hobbies that I do and when I can get to them it can definitely change my attitude towards my day and the people around me. Everyone should have a hobby.

  5. Hi Michel!

    My mom put us first all the time. In her mind, our needs/wants came before hers. She did set aside some time to go out with her friends, walk, and do other things. Though, I cannot remember any specific hobby that she did day in and day out.

    Anyway, being a mom can be an all-encompassing, thankless job that one can lose themselves. Having a hobby is important for any mom because they get to interact with other adults. Perhaps their opportunities to expand their group of friends and learn new things.

    Frankly, I don’t how they juggle all these things. 

    • Absolutely Godwin. I think all Mom’s need some sort of outlet for themselves or I am sure they will eventually go mad.


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