Ravelry Knitting and Why You Need To Join

ravelry knittingIf you are a dedicated knitter then you have probably heard about Ravelry Knitting and the Ravelry Knitting Community.

If you are new to knitting, then you may want to get to know more about Ravelry Knitting and what it can do for you.

What Is Ravelry Knitting?

The Ravelry Knitting Community is an online club for knitters, crocheters and other crafters who like to work with fiber. I suppose you could say that it is like Facebook for people who love to knit and crochet. Ravelry knitting was launched in 2007. This site has literally taken the knitting world by storm.

Ravelry is a combination of a social networking site, a forum, a place to share information about yarn and different patterns and a great place to keep records of your needle and yarn collection, projects being worked on and more. In fact, if you are a lover of knitting or crochet work, then this is a must join community.

This site has about 6 000 000 registered users and around 5000 users on the site at any given time and is still expanding rapidly.

Why Join Ravelry?

If you love to knit, you will find many like-minded people on this site that you can follow and connect with. You can see what other knitters and crafters are doing around the world and even join a knitting group. The friending system allows you to keep track of what people you know are working on.

If you have a lot of extra yarn lying around at home, you can either swap or offer it for sale on Ravelry Knitting.

There are great patterns that are free and some that you can purchase. If you buy a pattern, you can store it in your favorites so that it doesn’t get mislaid. You will be able to see the most popular fads, as well as people’s favorite patterns and finished objects. You can see which patterns people have tried and either love or hate.

There is a separate place for you to keep your notes on your own projects, as well as keep track of your favorite patterns and put them in a queue so that you remember to make them your future projects.

ravelry knittingHow Much Does It Cost To Join Ravelry?

Ravelry knitting site is absolutely free, although there are rumors that in the future it will be a paid membership site. All you do is go to Ravelry Knitting and give them your email address. They will send you a link to sign in with. All you need to do then is enter a username and a password and you are ready to go.

The site is easy to navigate and there is a tutorial on the front page as you log in.

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