How To Knit A Baby Blanket Using Bobble Wool

Have you noticed the bobble wool in the wool shops and wondered what on earth you could make with it? Why not try knitting a baby blanket using bobble wool.

Strangely I see this wool in the shops all the time, but I can’t find much to go on when it comes to Google. I haven’t knitted my blanket yet and will try as soon as I get my wool. So once I have done this I will post a picture, as these pictures don’t do the blanket justice.

knit a baby blanket

What Is Bobble Wool?

Bobble wool is yarn that has bobbles on it every couple of cms. It basically looks like a string of yarn with miniature pom poms joined to it.

How To Knit A Baby Blanket Using Bobble Wool

This is a really quick knit as the wool is chunky with bobbles and it is made using garter and stocking stitch.

For a list of abbreviations, visit my knitting dictionary.

You will need some Elle Fun Bubble yarn or any other bubble/bobble yarn that you can find and some 6mm circular knitting needles of 100 cm in length.

Cast On:

Using those 6mm circular needles, cast on 45 sts by working the thumb method. For every required stitch, twist the strand between two bobbles so that it forms a loop, then twist the loop once more and slip it onto the needle.

If you are not sure how to cast on using the thumb method here is a video to explain how to do it.

1st Row (RS): k working a st with the strand between two bobbles.

2nd Row: p working a st with the strand between two bobbles. Cont working in st st until the work measures 100 cm ending with a WS row.

C/off all sts loosely.

You can make this blanket bigger or smaller as you prefer.

how to knit a bobble blanket

Well now you know just how to knit a baby blanket using bobble wool.

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