Vogue Knitting – What Is It All About?

Not everyone is sure about what Vogue Knitting is all about, as you don’t see it as much online as you do regular knitting sites. That is because when you start to try Vogue Knitting, you are taking your knitting skills to the next level.

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Knitting is quite a fascinating art form and surprisingly nowadays more and more people are investing their leisure time in knitting socks, sweatshirts, and various other things. Aside from being enjoyable once you have learned how to do it, it is also a great way to relieve stress.

There are always new and interesting knitting techniques coming around, but the 5 most popular stitches are always going to be here to stay, as these five are considered to be the heart of knitting.

What are the most popular knitting stitches?

They are:

  1. Knit Stitch
  2. Purl Stitch
  3. Stockinet Stitch
  4. Knit 2 Together
  5. Yarn Over

If one looks at the knit side of a pattern, the knit stitch looks like a little “v.”  To knit a stitch, the knitter has to use two needles and then drag a circle of yarn through the provided stitch, over and over again.

vogue knittingVogue Knitting

So What Is Vogue Knitting?

Vogue Knitting is the art of creating beautiful high fashion garments that don’t look homemade, but rather like something you would buy at an expensive boutique.

Most vogue knitting patterns are catered more towards the advanced knitter, so if you don’t know how to do the basics above I suggest you master them first here.

All vogue knitting patterns are made up of the basic knitting stitches, so once you have mastered them all you will be able to knit yourself (or others) high fashion items that you can’t buy in any shop.

If you really get into your vogue knitting and wanted to knit for profit, then it would be best to get a good knitting machine, as in this way you can turn out garments a lot quicker. In this way, you will be able to knit for yourself at a greater speed, as well as have the time to knit for profit, as you can knit for others too.

With a knitting machine, you can use very fine wool and even make summer garments at great speed.  Hand knitters know that when you knit with thin yarn and small needles it can take forever.

There is actually a magazine that one can subscribe to at vogueknitting.com called Vogue Knitting, but even better, if you go to Pinterest, you can get a variety of free patterns and ideas from expert knitters all over the world. An example of one I found is here.

On Amazon, you can also purchase some fantastic books on Vogue knitting.  I have layered some of them down for you below. Just click on the book that tickles your fancy to find out more.

To find out more about vogue knitting and to sign up for free advice and newsletters, visit http://www.vogueknitting.com

You can also subscribe to the Vogue Knitting Magazine here.

How To Do Quilted Reverse Stockinette

This is one of the great ways that vogue knitting can be incorporated into your knitting by simply using a mixture of stocking stitch and purl.

(multiple of 8 sts plus 7)
Row 1 (RS) K1, *sl 1, k4, pass sl st over the 4 k sts, p3; rep from *, end k1.
Row 2 K1, p1, *k1, k1 st under the running thread between st just worked and next st, k1, p5; rep from *, end p1, k1.
Row 3 K2, *p3, k5; rep from *, end p3, k2.
Row 4 K1, p1, *k3, p5; rep from *, end k3, p1, k1.
Row 5 K2, *p3, wyib sl 1, k4, pass sl st over 4 k sts; rep from *, end p3, k2.
Row 6 K1, *p5, k1, k1 under the running thread, k1; rep from *, end p5, k1.
Row 7 K1, *k5, p3; rep from *, end k6.
Row 8 K1, *p5, k3, rep from *, end p5, k1.
Rep rows 1-8.

Have you tried vogue knitting? I would love to hear your thoughts on this in the comments section below.

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