Free Knitted Snowman Pattern Just For You

This free knitted snowman pattern will only take you an evening to knit and he is kept warm with his own garter stitch hat and striped scarf.  He is approximately 20cm high.

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How To Knit A Snowman

free knitted snowman pattern

You Will Need:

1 x 50g ball Pingouin Mist DK in white and oddments of black, cream and orange.

4mm knitting needles.

Non-flammable washable toy stuffing.

Let’s Knit This Free Knitted Snowman Pattern:

Using the white yarn cast on 6 sts for the neck.

1st and every WS Row: p

2nd Row: k1, inc in each of the next 4 sts. k1. 10 sts.

4th Row: Inc in each st. 20 sts.

6th Row: [k1, inc in next st] to end. 30 sts.

8th Row: [k2, inc in next st] to end. 40 sts. Inc 10 sts in this way on every k row until there are 80 sts.

Work 8 cm straight, ending with a p row.

Shape bottom:

1st Row: [k8, k2 tog] to end. 72 sts. St st 3 rows.

5th Row: [k7, k2 tog] to end. 64 sts. P 1 row.

Dec 8 sts in this way on every k row until 8 sts rem. Thread end through rem sts, draw up and secure.


Using the black yarn cast on 6 sts for a hat. Work in g st.

1st Row: k

2nd Row: Inc in each st. 12 sts.

3rd Row: [k1, inc in next st] to end 18 sts.

4th Row: k

5th Row: [k2, inc in next st] to end. 24 sts.

Inc 6 sts in this way on every alt row until there are 54 sts. k1 row.

Leaving the black attached, cont in the white. Beg k row, inc one st at each end of next row. 56 sts.

St st for 10 rows.

Shape Neck:

1st and every WS Row: p

2nd Row: [k5, k2 tog] to end. 48 sts.

4th Row: [k4, k2 tog] to end 40 sts.

Dec 8 sts in this way on every k row until 8 sts rem. Thread the yarn through the rem sts, draw up and secure.

With RS facing and the black yarn, k up 54 sts along last black row.

Next Row: [k1, inc in next st} to end. 81 sts. k1 row cast off.


Make 2

Using The white yarn cast on 18 sts. St st for 8 cm ending with a k row.

Next Row: P1, [p2 tog] to last st, p1. 10 sts.

Next Row: [k2 tog] to end. Thread yarn through rem 5 sts, draw up and secure.


Using the cream yarn cast on 8 sts. k1 row. [g st 2 rows in black and 2 rows in cream] until scarf measures 32 cm. Cast off in cream.


Using the orange yarn cast on 4 sts then cast off these 4 sts.

To Make Up:

Sew body seam, leaving an opening for the stuffing. Stuff firmly and join the opening. Make up the head as you did the body and sew to body. Join arm seams and stuff, leaving top 1cm unstuffed. Sew to the body.

Fringe the scarf ends, wrap around the neck and secure with a few sts.

Sew on the nose.

Embroider eyes and buttons using large French Knots.

There you have it, a beautiful knitted snowman who is as snuggly as can be.

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