Free Knitting Pattern Elephant

Here is a free knitting pattern for an Elephant. With his floppy ears, this baby elephant is sure to become a favorite in the nursery.

Free Knitting Pattern Elephant


The completed height will be about 25cm.


Approx 100g Grey Family Knit DK

3 mm Knitting Needles

Non-flammable Toy Stuffing

Black Embroidery Yarnfree knitting pattern elephant

Let’s Start Knitting

Body And Legs

*Cast on 16 sts for the front leg.

St st 16 rows.*

Break off yarn, leave sts on a spare needle.

Rep from * to *.

Next Row: k 16, cast on 8 sts, k 16 sts from spare needle. 40 sts. * * St st 21 rows.

Shape back and neck

Next Row: Cast off 4 sts, k to last 2 sts, k 2 tog.

Next Row: P2 tog, P to end. Rep last 2 rows 5 more times.

Cast off rem 4 sts.

Work the other side to match, reversing shapings for back and neck.


Make 2

Work as body and legs to * *.

St st 7 rows. Cast off.


Cast on 6 sts for the trunk.

St st 6 rows, inc one st at each end of every row. 18 sts.

Next Row: K6 and leave these sts on a safety pin for end of the trunk, cast off 3 sts, K to end.

Now work on the last 9 sts.

St st 15 rows. Break off yarn. Leave these 9 sts on a spare needle.

Shape neck

Cast on 14 sts for neck edge. St st 2 rows. Inc one st at each end of next 4 K rows. 22 sts. P 1 row.

Next Row: K22, cast on 3 sts, K across 9 sts of trunk from spare needle. 34 sts.

Dec one st at beg of next 8 P rows. 26 sts. K1 row.

Mark each end of the last row.

Dec one st at each end of the next 7 rows.

Cast off rem 12 sts.

St st 3 rows across 6 sts on a safety pin. Cast off.

work 2nd piece to match, reversing shapings for the trunk and front head.

Head Gusset

Cast on 2 sts.

St st 2 rows.

Next Row: Inc in each st. inc one st at each end of next 3 k rows. 10 sts.

St st 12 rows.

Dec one st at each end of next 4 P rows. 2 sts. K 1 row.

Cast off.


Make 2

Cast on 20 sts.

Work in g st, inc one st at each end of next 6 alt rows.

k 14 rows.

Dec one st at each end of next 3 rows. 26 sts.

Cast off.


Make 4

Cast on 6 sts. St st 2 rows.

Inc one st at each end of next 2 K rows.

St st 5 rows.

Dec one st at each end of next 2 K rows. 6 sts.

P 1 row. Cast off.


Cast on 6 sts. St st 16 rows.

Next Row: [k2 tog} 3 times.

Thread yarn through rem 3 sts, draw up and secure.

To Make Up

Sew cast-off edges of underbody pieces tog.

Sew body legs to underbody legs, leaving cast-on edges open, Sew soles to cast-on edges.

Swe rem sides of body tog, leaving neck open, then stuff firmly.

Sew head gusset to head between markers.

Sew rem head and trunk seams, leaving cast-on edges open for neck.

Stuff firmly and sew to body.

Make a pleat in the center of the cast-off edge of each ear and sew to head.

Join the tail seam and sew it to the body.

Embroider eyes.

For more free knitting patterns for toys, click here.

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