How To Make Knitted Egg Cosies

Knitted egg cosies are such a cute way to serve your eggs, especially if you have visitors around.

Let’s look at how to make cute chick knitted egg cosies. It is a good idea to make 6 or eight of them and they make a great table arrangement for easter time.

The Cutest Chick Knitted Egg Cosies

You will need gold DK yarn. Approximately 1 ball per cosie.

1 set of 2.75mm double-pointed needles (DPNs).


20 sts and 50 rows to measure 10x10cm (4x4in) over garter st using 2.75mm needles.


Height 6cm (21/2 inches).


You can get a comprehensive list of abbreviations right here.

WINGS (make two)

Cast on 8 sts using two 2.75mm DPNs and knit 13 rows.

Cast off.


Cast on 2 sts using two 2.75mm DPNs. Use orange DK wool.

Row 1: Kfb, K1. [3 sts]

Row 2: Purl.

Row 3: Kfb twice, K1. [5 sts]

Purl 3 rows.

Row 7: K1, sl1, k2tog, psso, K1. [3 sts]

Row 8: Purl

Row 9: Sl1, k2tog, psso and fasten off.


Cast on 24 sts using 2.75mm DPNs and your gold yarn.

Making sure not to twist the stitches, join them into the round, and work as follows:

Rounds 1 and 2 *K1, P1; rep from * to the end of the round.

Round 3 purl.

Round 4 Knit.

Repeat Rounds 3 and 4 eight more times and then Round 3 once.

Round 22 *K2tog, K4; rep from * to the end of the round. [20 sts] Rounds 23, 25 and 27 Purl.

Round 24 *K2tog, K3; rep from * to the end of the round. [16 sts] Round 26 *K2tog, K2; rep from * to the end of the round. [12 sts] Round 28 *K2tog; rep from * to the end of the round. [6 sts]



  1. Neaten the cast-on and cast-off ends of the Body.
  2. Neaten the ends of the Beak and fold it in half to form two small triangles. Sew the seam between the two triangles to the front of the Body, 15 rounds above the ribbing.
  3. Using black sewing thread, sew two black sequins above and on either side of the Beak.
  4. On each wing, gently gather one side edge, and sew to either side of the body. Catch the top of the other side edges to the Body at the back of the chick to hold the Wings down in place.

knitted egg copies

7 thoughts on “How To Make Knitted Egg Cosies”

  1. Hi,

    These are cute little projects that anybody can do and use as beautiful table decors. I believe a teenage girl can easily do these to let them off the computer sometimes.

    For an older woman like me, it will be so helpful to practice my fine motor skills. They could be awesome gifts to family and friends, as well.

    I will try them, thanks for this tutorial.


    • Have fun. They are quick and easy to make and also very cute, especially if you give them all a different facial expression.

  2. This is a rather interesting article for me since I have done quite a bit of knitting when I was a child with my aunt, mom, and cousins. They would gather at someone’s home and spend the afternoon talking and knitting. I would enjoy some good food and I ended up getting pretty proficient with knitting, although those skills have escaped me through the years due to lack of use. Thanks for bringing back these fond memories with your wonderful insights into knitting.

  3. I thoroughly enjoy a website that gets straight to the point! The requirements needed the list of materials and away you go with easy to follow instructions. Step by step this article guides you to making a gorgeous cute cosie egg holder. I just want to cook eggs more to make one of these! The pictures are stunning and inspire you to starts knitting right away. 

    • Glad you like the pattern and hope they come out well. I am sure they will make such a charming addition to your breakfast table.

  4. They are very cute and look easy to make. I can knit but haven’t done for a while so this could be a good project to get back into it.

    The amount of wool required per cosy though, does seem alot, is the amount correct? It states an entire ball of wool for each tiny cosie, though it doesn’t say what size the ball is.

    These are a great idea though to keep your second egg warm and lovely to use all year round.. I enjoyed the post, thank you.

    • You don’t even need a whole ball of wool, a small 25g one will be fine, it’s just that you can’t seem to buy wool in smaller quantities than that. I tried with scraps.


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