How to Get Started In Knitting And At Same Time Not Break The Bank

If you are looking for ways on how to get started in knitting, read on. Knitting is so easy to get started as you don’t need anything besides a pair of knitting needles and some wool to practice with.

As long as you can hold two knitting needles, know your left hand from your right hand, and learn to follow a knitting pattern, knitting can be a very relaxing and pleasurable hobby.

Luckily if you have the internet at your disposal, which I take it you have as you are reading this article, it is easier and cheaper than ever before to start knitting. You don’t even need a grandmother to show you how to do it anymore.

There are countless tutorials, patterns, and even books that you can purchase online that will help you on how to get started in knitting. You can view countless videos online that can help you start and learn whatever stitch you desire.

In fact, the only money you will need in the beginning is for some knitting needles and wool to start practicing with. (Most of us have this lying around the house somewhere anyway)

How To Get Started In Knitting

how to get started in knitting

First, try Google with terms like “learn to knit” or “knitting for beginners”. There will be oodles of information and videos out there and it is all at your fingertips.

Sites like Vogue Knitting and Martha Stewart can also be very helpful, especially if they include pictures, videos, or diagrams. The three things you need to learn to get started is how to cast on using the “long tail” method, the knit stitch, and how to cast off. Everything else can be learned later after you have gained some confidence with these three techniques. Try reading this post to get you started and watching the videos to save you time and effort. You can also read this one to get the basics going.

You don’t need a kit to get started nor do you need to spend a lot of money on supplies. Yarn stores are lovely but you can also find exactly what you need at your local craft stores.

Shopping for needles can be daunting. There are so many styles and types out there. Some knitters prefer metal needles but there are also bamboo, wood, and plastic sets that all work just as well. The size you will probably want to start out with is a pair of straight US 8 or 9 needles.
As for the yarn, this is where it can really get expensive, but only if you let it. If you are a novice or first-time knitter, resist the urge to buy anything that is fuzzy, furry, or seems to have anything hanging off the strand of yarn. Nowadays, there are some beautiful yarns for you to play and create with but they may not be the best to learn with. Because of the fuzz or fur, you will not be able to easily see what the actual yarn is doing and this can lead to frustrations.

For the beginner knitter, find good cotton, polyester, acrylic, or some kind of “blended” yarn and if you’ve paid over five dollars on yarn, you have either bought too much (at this time) or spent too much. Don’t get something that doesn’t feel nice to you either. There are tons of soft, comfy yarns out there for you to play around with. Choose a color you like too. There is no excuse to be knitting with a color that doesn’t inspire you.

The colorful yarn you see on the right is perfect for beginners to get started with, as they are mini sizes for mini projects and such a beautiful array of colors to choose from.

So find a good video online and go through the directions with the needles and yarn in hand. If it doesn’t work for you, that is not a problem. Yarn is very forgiving and allows you to pull out the mistakes. If after several attempts you are still having problems, go to another web site and look at their directions. Everyone has a slightly different way to teach and the right one is out there, you just need to find it.

Here is just one example of an amazing book you can purchase online for under $10 that will teach you to knit in under 12 hours.

Are You Ready to Learn Knitting Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible?

This book by Alison Dupernex on the right was previously published as The Beginners Guide to Knitting (978-1-90397-583-1), this popular book has been given a completely new and updated look.

Click on the picture to find out how you can get a copy.

Now in a handy small format that fits comfortably in a bag and wire-bound so that it lies open while you are working, it also has a useful fold-out flap at the back that provides a quick and easy reference to all the abbreviations used in the patterns.

All the essential techniques are covered, including basic garter and stocking stitch, casting on and casting off, and increasing and decreasing, all clearly explained using step-by-step photographs and simple instructions.

Alison’s designs have a timeless appeal that will delight knitters of all ages, and there are projects for children as well as adults.

Within the first few pages, you will be knitting a fabulous stripy scarf, and by the end of the book, you will be able to knit yourself a gorgeous cable-knit cardigan!

Packed full of helpful tips and simple projects, this is a ‘must-have’ book for anyone who would love to knit but doesn’t know how to.

Probably 99.9% of all beginners start with a scarf as their first project. Scarves are easy, make lovely presents, and will help you with the basic techniques. There are some people out there who start out with a sweater as their first project, and well… good for them. Remember, you can always undo your mistakes regardless of what your project is.

The most important thing about how to get started in knitting is to not give up. There will be frustrations in the beginning, but if you push through it and get the basics down, you will be able to knit anything!

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