Free Baby Pullover Sweater Knitting Pattern

Here is a free baby pullover sweater knitting pattern that is easy to make. This is an ideal pattern for beginners as it only consists of purl and garter stitch.

Free Baby Pullover Sweater Knitting Pattern


To fit a baby of 18 (24) months.

Chest measurement 61 (63) cm.

Length to Shoulder 41 (46) cm.


20 sts and 26 rows to 10 cm measured over st st using 4 mm knitting needles.

You Will Need:

3 (4) x 50g balls of Elle Family Knit DK in a color of your choice.

3,5 mm and 4 mm knitting needles

Stitch Holder

Tapestry Needle

The instructionsbaby pullover sweater knitting pattern are for the smallest size with the larger size in brackets ( ). If one set of figures is given it applies to all sizes.

You can see a full list of abbreviations here.


**Using 3.5 mm needles cast on 61 (67) sts.

Work in single rib as follows:

1st Row (RS): K1, *p1, k1, rep from * to end.

2nd Row: P1, *k1, p1, rep from * to end.

These two rows form the rib pattern. Cont in rib patt until work measures 5cm from the beg ending with a 2nd row, inc 10 sts evenly across the last row 71 (77) sts.

Change to 4mm needles and starting with a k row, work in st st until the work measures 27 (29) cm from the begi ending with a WS row. Mark each end with a oloured marker to indicate the armholes.***

Starting with a k row cont in st st until work measures 35 cm from the beg ending with a WS row.

Shape Neck:

Next Row (RS): k27 (29), turn and leave rem sts on a st holder.

Work on this set of sts on the needles only.

***Next Row: p, dec 1 st at beg of row (neck edge) 26 (28) sts.

Cont dec 1 st at neck edge on every foll 5 alt rows 21 (23) sts.

Cont straight in st st on these sts until work measures 41 (46m) from the beg, ending with a WS row. Cast off.***

Shape Other Side of Neck:

With RS facing, join yarn to the rem sts on st holder, c/off next 17 (19) sts for centre front neck, k to end of row. Now complete as given for first side of nect from *** to ***, reversing shapings.


Work as given for front from ** to **.

Starting with a k row, work in st st until work measures 41 (46) cm from the beg, ending with a WS row. C/off, marking the centre 17 (19) sts with a coloured marker for the centre back neck sts.

Neck Edge:

Join right shoulder seam. With the RS facing using 3,5 mm needles and pick up 20 sts down the left front neck, k across the 17 (19) sts held on the st holder for centre front neck, pick up and k 20 sts up the right front neck, pick up and k 17 (19) sts between the markers on centre back neck 74 (78) sts.

1st Row (WS): *k1, p1, rep from * to end. This 1 row forms the single rib patt.

Cont in rib patt until neck edge measures 6cm from the beg, ending with a WS row. C/off ribwise.

Fold the neck edge in half over to the WS and slip stitch it in position, cathing the sts into the seam of picked up edge.


Join the left shoulder seam.

With the RS facing using 4mm needles pick up and k 61 (67) sts evenly between the front and back armhole markers with the shoulder seam in the middle of the row. Starting with a p row work in st st, dec 1 st at each end of row on every foll 4th row until there are 35 (37) sts rem on the needles, ending with a WS row.

Your work should measure about 26 (30) cm.

Change to 3.5 mm needles and work 5 cm in single rib patt as given for the Front ending with a WS row. C/off in rib.

To Complete:

Join the sleeve seams from the shoulder seam to the cuff. Join the side seams.

Hope you enjoyed knitting this Baby Pullover.

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