Knitted Kitten Pattern – Cute And Cuddly

This fluffy knitted kitten pattern is worked throughout in reverse stocking stitch. It’s a soft and fluffy gift that’s easy to knit up quickly. Molly Goddard is the pattern designer. This post may contain affiliate links.

She has a lovely paperback (above) that can be purchased online with a great selection of knitted toys to suit all.

Knitted Kitten Pattern

knitted kitten pattern


The finished length of this kitten will be about 27cm.

You Will Need:

  • 100 g Pingouin Mist DK in Black
  • 4 mm knitting needles
  • Non-flammable washable toy filling
  • Green felt for the eyes.
  • Black and pink embroidery yarn
  • Embroidery needle
  • 50cm tartan ribbon

Work this pattern throughout in reverse stocking stitch.


Make 2

Cast on 15 sts. Work 2 rows. Inc one st at each end of every P row until there are 27 sts. Work 33 rows.

Dec one st at each end of every P row until 15 sts rem. K one row. Cast off.


Make 2

Cast on 11 sts. Work 2 rows. [Inc one st at each end of next row and one st at beg of foll row] 4 times. 23 sts.

Mark each end of the last row.

Work 8 rows. [Dec one st at each end of next row and one st at beg of foll row] 4 times. 11 sts.

Cast off.

Head Gusset:

Make 1

Cast on 3 sts. Work 2 rows. Inc one st at each end of next 4 P rows. 11 sts.

Work 15 rows. Dec one st at each end of next 4 P rows. 3 sts. K 1 row.

Cast off.


Make 2

Cast on 20 sts. Work 16 rows.

Next Row: [P2 tog] to end. K 1 row. Rep the last 2 rows once more.

Thread the yarn through rem 5 sts, then draw up and secure.


Work as for foot, but work 40 rows before shaping.


Make 4

Cast on 9 sts. Work 8 rows. Dec one st at each end of next 3 P rows. K3 tog.

Fasten off.

To Make Up:

Sew body pieces tog, leaving cast-off edges open. Stuff and join seam.

Sew head gusset to top of the head between markers.

Sew rem head edges, leaving cast-on edges open for neck.

Stuff and sew the head to one end of the body so that face looks to the side and body seams are on sides.

Sew side edges of feet and tail, stuff, and sew to body.

Curve tail around the body towards head and secure.

Sew ears together in pairs and sew onto the head.

Cut out eyes from green felt and sew to face with black yarn using a large satin stitch.

Embroider nose and mouth with pink yarn, as in the photograph.

Tie the tartan ribbon around the neck into a bow.

There you have him, a cute fluffy kitten knit.

I decided to try this pattern for myself and used a whole lot of leftover wool to make this multicolored kitten. I haven’t decided what to do for the face yet, but will probably embroider closed eyes, a nose, and a mouth onto the face.

knitted kitten pattern

In the pattern above it was suggested that the gusset be the top of the head. I used this as the neck as it was knitted in white.

I used really fluffy and soft wool which made this knitted kitten pattern super cuddly!

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