How To Knit Bobbles

I have a lovely pattern for a bobbled cloth, but am not quite sure how to knit bobbles, or follow the pattern, I did a bit of research online.

What is a Bobble?how to knit bobbles

A bobble is basically a collection of stitches knitted by increasing several times into one stitch, turning the work, doing purl going back again, turning the work again and decreasing those same stitches back to one before continuing the row.

On this picture, the bobbles are seen between the cabling pattern.

The basic idea of a bobble is to increase from a single stitch, knit a few short rows, then decrease back to a single stitch. This causes a raised bump or bobble to form in your knitting, and patterns usually arrange these raised bumps into a pretty shape or lines.

After finishing your bobble, tighten up on the next stitch and make sure the bobble is in the front of your work. On the next row, tighten up on the stitch before the bobble. This should stop any gaping holes showing up in your knitting.

Here is a great video I found online that shows you how to knit a variety of bobbles with ease.

How to Knit Bobbles

Bobbles are a useful thing to know how to knit, as you can do so much with them in patterns, as you can see from the examples below.

how to knit bobbles

Bobbles are a great way to add three-dimensional texture to a knitted piece.

They can look stunning on Aran Sweaters or even just around the hemline of a plain jersey.

Bobbles make pretty decorations on garments around necklines or even just dotted here and there.

Here is an easy pattern you can try now that you know how to knit bobbles.

Knitting Pattern With Bobbles

This is a pattern for an 8 x 8-inch square, which you can use as part of a blanket or even a dishcloth as the surface will be quite scrubby with all the bobbles.

You will need 1 Skein of yarn. The best would be worsted cotton 100 grams.

Use US 6 or 4mm knitting needles.


MB – Make Bobble. Into the stitch where the bobble will be, k1*yo,k1* 2 times. There will now be five stitches where there was one before. Turn, Knit 5 Sts, Turn. K2tog, place stitch just worked back onto the left-hand needle, pass the remaining 3 sts over the st just worked, one at a time, k1.

BO – Bind off

CO – Cast on

K – Knit

K2tog – Knit two together

Rem – Remaining

Rep – Repeat

SL – slip

sts – stitch or stitches


First CO 39 sts

Work 3 rows in garter stitch.


Row 1: k3 sts *MB, k3 until 4 sts rem. MB, k3.

Row 2: Knit all the sts.

Row 3: K5 sts, *MB, k3* until 2 sts rem, k2

Row 4: Knit all sts.

Repeat these 4 rows until the piece measures 7.25 inches from the cast on row.

Work 3 rows in garter stitch.

BO all stitches.

Finish by weaving in the ends.

Wash and block to dimensions.

I hope that this post has taught you how to knit bobbles and that you have something to show for it.

Please feel free to leave your comments below.

8 thoughts on “How To Knit Bobbles”

  1. My grandmother used to knit exactly like this…while keeping an eye on us over her glasses and rocking back and forth and talking to my mother hahah. This type of knitting I have seen before – Dale of Norway sweaters – very expensive sweaters but the fabric and quality are second to none. I’ve also seen it a lot on fancier scarves.

    Is this a talent you developed on your own or was it handed down via generations?

  2. Hi Michel. To me, bobbles sound like bubbles. Well, it’s quite similar in the form of shape I must say.

    When I watch the video,the more stitching made, the bigger the bobble is. Mentioning the video, the steps are simple to understand.

    I think knitting can be an exercise to the extent that it’s a finger/hand workout. A way to describe such hobby?

  3. Knitting actually is a really fun practice! Some people may relate it as an “old timer activity” but I have done knitting quite a while and it really is stress relieving!

    I didn’t have any idea about knitting bobbles until I read your article. I didn’t even know what bobbles were!. Appears that it isn’t all that complex. I liked the usage of images and video.

  4. This is really cool!

    My mom is super into knitting and crocheting and has taught me a little thing or two over the years.

    I never knew something like that had an official name though haha!

    I’ve always wanted to get good enough at knitting to make some of my own stuff, but alas, I’ve always been too lazy lol

    Cool post though, thanks for sharing!


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