Free Sheep Knitting Pattern

Here is a free sheep knitting pattern for you. There are instructions on how to knit both ram and a ewe, and these are both really cute and simple to knit up in a few hours.

The ram is approximately 23 cm high and 46 cm long.

The ewe is approximately 20 cm high and 41 cm long.

Free Sheep Knitting Pattern – Ram and Ewe

free sheep knitting pattern

You Will Need:

  • Non-flammable washable toy stuffing


  • 3 x 50g balls Pingouin 100% pure new wool (or any DK) in cream (M)
  • 1 x 50g ball in black (A)
  • Oddments of yarn in brown (B)
  • 3 1/4 mm knitting needles


  • 2 x 50g balls of Pingouin Family Knit 4 ply (or any 4 ply) in cream (M)
  • 25g yarn in black (A)
  • 3mm knitting needles


Ram – 26 sts and 50 rows to 10cm over g st using Pingouin 100% pure new wool and 3 1/4 knitting needles.

Ewe – 28 sts and 54 rows to 10cm over g st, using Pingouin Family Knit 4 ply and 3 mm knitting needles.

To Make:


Using M, cast on 58 sts. K1 row. Mark center of the last row and then continue rest in g st.

For back legs cast on 6 sts at beg of next 4 rows and 3 sts on foll 2 rows. 88 sts.

K 20 rows. Cast off 3 sts at beg of next 2 rows.

*Dec one st at each end of next row, 2 foll alt rows, and then on next 3 rows. Inc one st at each end of 7th row and 2 foll 6th rows. K29 rows. Dec one st at each end of next row and 2 foll 6th rows.*

K 7 rows. Cast on 3 sts at beg of next 6 rows for front legs. 88 sts. K 20 rows. Cast off 3 sts at beg of next 4 rows. Dec one st at each end of next row and 5 foll alt rows, then on every row until 38 sts rem.

K 3 rows. Cast off.


Using M, cast on 5 sts. Mark center st. Work in g st, inc one st at each end of 3rd row, foll alt row and 3 foll 8th rows. 15 sts. K9 rows.

For back legs, cast on 6 sts at beg of next 4 rows and 3 sts at beg of foll 2 rows. 45 sts. K 1 row.

Next Row: K 15, k 2 tog tbl, K 11, K 2 tog, K 15. k 3 rows.

Next Row: K 14, K 2 tog tbl, K 11, K 2 tog, K 14. Cont in this way, dec 2 sts as set on every foll 4th row until 35 sts rem. K2 rows. Cast off 3 sts at beg of next row.

Next Row: Cast off 3 sts, K next 6 sts, K 2 tog tbl, K 11, K 2 tog, k to end.

Work as upper body from * to *. K7 rows. Cast on 3 sts at beg of next 6 rows for front legs. 33 sts. K 20 rows. Cast off 3 sts at beg of next 4 rows.

Dec one st at each end of next row and every foll 6th row until 9 sts rem. K 3 rows. Cast off.


Using A, cast on 47 sts.

Next Row: K 37, turn.

Next Row: P 27, turn.

Next Row: K 23, turn.

Next Row: P 19, turn.

Next Row: K 15, turn.

Next Row: P 11, turn.

Next Row: K to end. Beg P row, st st 5 rows.

Next Row: K 7, K 2 tog, K 6, K 2 tog tbl, K 13, K 2 tog, K 6, K 2 tog tbl, K 7.

Next Row: P 14, P 2 tog, P 11, P 2 tog tbl, P 14.

Next Row: K 6, K 2 tog, K 6, K 2 tog tbl, K 9, K 2 tog, K 6, K2 tog tbl, K 6.

Next Row: P 13, P 2 tog, P 7, P 2 tog tbl, P 13.

Next Row: K 5, [K 2 tog, K 6, K 2 tog tbl, K 5] twice. P 1 row.

Next Row: K 4, K 2 tog, K 6, K 2 tog tbl, K 3 K 2 tog, K 6, K 2 tog tbl, K 4. Work 3 rows.

Next Row: K 10, K 2 tog, K 3, K 2 tog tbl, K 10, K 2 tog, K 3, K 2 tog tbl K 10. Work 9 rows, dec one st at the centre of 7th row. 24 sts.

Shape Muzzle:

K 3, cast off next 6 sts, K next 5 sts, cast off next 6 sts, K to end. Work 3 rows on the last set of 3 sts. Leave these sts on a st holder.

With WS facing, rejoin yarn to center 6 sts. Work 3 rows. Leave these sts on a st holder.

With WS facing, rejoin yarn to rem 3 sts. Work 3 rows. Sl these 3 sts and last 3 sts on a st holder, on to one needle. Place these sts to centre 6 sts with RS tog. Cast of tog.


Make 8 using A.

Cast on 14 sts. St st 14 rows cast off.


Make 2 using B.

Cast on 12 sts. P 1 row, K 1 row, P 2 rows.

Rep these 4 rows, dec on st at each end of 7th and every foll 4th row until 2 sts rem, ending with a WS row. P 2 tog. Fasten off.


Make 2 using A.

Cast on 6 sts. Work in g st, dec one st at each end of 5th row and foll alt row. K 1 row. K 2 tog. Fasten off securely.


Using M, cast on 24 sts. K 2 rows. Cast off.

To Make Up:

Join the upper body to the underside, matching markers and legs, and leaving row ends of legs open. Fold 1st 2 sts of row ends of legs to inside and sl st in place.

Join feet pieces tog in pairs, leaving one row-end edge open.

Place the open edge of feet inside the legs and sew in place.

Fold last 3 rows of cast-off edge of body and underside to inside and sl st in place.

Join the head seam. With cast-off seam of the muzzle at the centre, join row ends to cast-off sts.

Stuff body and head. Sew head to the body.

Roll horns widthwise and join seam. Pull up thread to curl horns. Sew on horns, ears, and tail. embroider eyes on with M.


Omitting horns, work as for Ram.

Please let me know if you enjoy knitting up this free sheep knitting pattern. You can also make money selling these at craft fairs as they are such a cute couple.

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